The Metropolitan School District of Martinsville is stepping into the future.
Brian Friese, e-learning director for the district, gave a report on upcoming technology at Thursday’s school board meeting. The 2017-2018 school year will see some changes to the role technology plays with the school system, he said.
“We will be officially moving full one-to-one for the school district in grades K through 12 at the beginning of the school year. Kindergarten through first grade are going to be using iPads in classroom, every student will have their own device. Second through sixth grade will be using Chromebooks — those devices will stay in house — and then seventh through 12th grade will also be using Chromebooks as well, those devices will be able to come home with the student,” Friese said.
The district has launched one-to-one for grades seven through 12, and Friese said it was exciting to use those types of tools in the classroom.
The district will launch a new district website, as well. Friese said the district will work with Nextfly, an Indianapolis-based web design company. The design of the new site will reflect feedback given from parents and staff, according to Friese. He said the main focus of the redesign was ease of use and the new site will be easier to navigate for users and will allow for more easily accessible information.
Friese said Nextfly will put together a working site in the next two weeks and will seek feedback from the community regarding the soft launch with a survey. The official launch is set for early to late fall.
Friese said desktops for staff members working in kindergarten through eighth grade had been updated and updates will soon take place for the remaining grades.
“We’re looking to update high school staff members desktops — which are officially at end of life within the next year — in a three phase rollout for them,” Friese said.
The district is in the process of getting 38 SMART Boards, Friese said, which will be used in kindergarten, first grade and special education classrooms. Friese said the district had purchased the SMART Boards at roughly 30 percent of the initial cost.
Friese also said the district has worked on network stability to ensure a smooth rollout of the technology into the hands of students and staff.
“We wanted to make sure that our infrastructure network-wise could handle that type of load,” Friese said.
The district will also look into updating security systems for the district. Friese said an independent company will do an audit of existing systems and give the district feedback on camera placement.
Other business
State law requires school districts to make a report every six months on gang activity. Superintendent Dr. Michele Moore said there was no report of gang activity.
The board voted to accept a $500 donation from retired teacher Wanda Dilley to Poston Road’s general account, to approve an Ivy Tech contract for a senior career coach, to accept 2017-2018 Education Foundation Grants, to approve of the disposal of old books at elementary schools, to approve the district’s non-certified support staff manual, to approve the updated five-year strategic plan and to approve the purchase of a trailer from Cardinal Trailer for the Martinsville High School marching band using funds from the Hendricks Endowment Fund.
The board also approved student handbooks for John R. Wooden Middle School and Bell Intermediate Academy for the 2017-2018 school year. Prior to the vote, Tamara O’Dowd spoke, asking the board who would be listed as the principal for Bell. She received no response from the board.
O’Dowd said the board’s treatment of Bell principal Suzie Lipps over the last couple of months has caused her to remove her four children from Martinsville schools.
The board voted to table the motion to approve professional learning community times in order to get more feedback from parents. Board members also voted to approve acceptance of a $150 grant from Techpoint Foundation For Youth to be used to cover the registration cost of one robotics team for Smith Fine Arts Academy for the 2017-2018 school year.
The board had a hearing on the additional appropriation for bond issue. The bonds will be used to renovate science class rooms at John R. Wooden and Martinsville High School. No public comments on the bond proceeds were made and the board voted to approve the additional appropriation for the bond issue. The board moved to adopt the final bond resolution, which involves the appointment of a bid committee.
Eric Haenline, who spoke at the May 25 meeting and whose son is a sixth grader at Bell Intermediate Academy, spoke prior to the consent agenda vote. He questioned the amount of resignations on the agenda and the declining enrollment for the district. He also received no response from the board.
Board members voted to approve the consent agenda, which included the minutes of the meeting on May 25 of the school board, payroll claims, budgetary claims and personnel matters. The latter included certified hires of Dawn Jones and Darby Dilley.
Certified resignations included Dominic Stella, Justin Garner, Stephen Jarrod Burns, Samantha Sturgeon, Connie Harden, Paul Barnhart, Michelle May and Tina Wyrick.
Non-certified resignations/terminations included Rebecca Stafford and Wendy Armstrong.
Transfers included Dustin Huff, Riley Denny, Mark Yount, Lisa Collier Husted, Suzanne Hill, Greg Sigler, Jennifer Chapman, Amanda Bales, McChristie Brooking and Ronald Lanfair.
Summer school assignments were also on the consent agenda. Eric Meyer was assigned to Martinsville High School TV duties, Susan Parker was assigned to MHS for summer technology work days, Tammy Huff was assigned to MHS for ESY from May 31 to July 27 and Pam Verhey was assigned to pre-K assessments on June 20.
Also on the agenda were extracurricular activities resignations and hires. Resignations included Hunter Fenwick, Randy Worthington, Lisa Siderewicz, James Beck and Randy McKinney. Hires included Amy Purkey, Ann Smith, Andrew Lindsey, Christa Matthews, Cynthia Horan and Jessica Pence.
The next school board meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. July 20 at the Central Education Center, 389 E. Jackson St., Martinsville.