Reading and writing can be a source of pleasure and escape. For Zachary Brock, Ninevah, it’s both.
Brock recently had his first book published, a novel titled “A Dangerous Discovery.” Brock said the process of writing helps him channel his emotions productively.
“Instead of bottling up my emotions, get them out on paper and I use it to vent, I guess, in a way,” Brock said.
Brock said he believes he writes best when he’s feeling melancholic.
“For some reason, when I’m sad, I feel like I write my best, I don’t know why. Like I said, it helps me let it out, even if I’m making up a story my character, it helps me write about him doing well,” Brock said.
The book tells the story of Marion Acevedo, a young man from Latin America. He and his mentor uncover information the Vatican kept secret about the expansion of the Catholic Church in South America.
Brock said he enjoys historical and mystery novels. Writers he admire include Dan Brown, Dean Koontz, Stuart Woods, Charles Brokaw, Gillian Flynn, James Patterson and Stephen King.
Brock said he did a lot of research into the setting of his novel.
“There’s quite a bit of research. Like I said, it takes place in Latin America, so all the cities and towns I used were real. I did a lot of research into the Vatican. They’re pretty secretive people,” Brock said.
Brock said writing the novel took him about 19 months and four or five drafts. Brock said he does most of his writing at night.
“I’m a night owl. It’s weird, (but) I’m also a morning person. I like to get my day over and unwind and write. That’s how I unwind: I write,” Brock said.
Brock said reading was a form of a escape. He said didn’t have an easy life when he was younger, including a difficult relationship with his mother, step-father, brother and sister.
“I didn’t have a very good relationship with them and I guess I just read to escape. I didn’t really start writing until probably about four years ago. I was also a singer,” Brock said.
Brock said that writing lyrics was different for him than writing prose.
“Lyrics to me are a lot like poetry. They can be deep and stuff and go with music, too so it’s a lot easier to enjoy lyrics when it’s along with music. Writing a fiction novel, you’re trying to entertain without any help really besides your words,” Brock said.
Brock credits the support of his father, Daniel Brock, and grandparents, Garland and Zuba Brock, for encouraging him to pursue his interest in writing.
“I was writing letters and I was writing a lot of song lyrics and I was showing them to my dad and he said that maybe I should write a book and we kind of discussed a plot," Brock said. "My dad helped me a lot with the book. If it weren’t for my dad and my grandparents, the book would have never gotten written. We discussed the plot and I just went with it; built a few chapters at a time. I figured out an intro and an ending. Figured out really the bulk of the story."
Brock’s day job is on a farm and he also does a bit of landscaping work.
“I work on a farm, a cattle farm. We raise beef cattle. Most of the time, I’m out there doing something with the cattle. I used to work at a factory, but I didn’t end up liking that. I ended up doing some side jobs, like landscaping, do a lot of work on the farm. It’s mostly farm work and landscape right now and I write,” Brock said.
Brock said that he plots out his novels at work, depending on the workload for the day.
“I try not to plan ahead too much and kind of take everything a day at a time,” Brock said.
Brock said he was working on a sequel to “A Dark Discovery,” but wanted to see how well his first book does before discussing a potential release date for his second novel. While Brock certainly gets enjoyment from the writing process, one part he relishes is seeing people respond positively to his work.
“I like to see other people enjoy my writing. Not a lot of people have read book so far because I’ve kind of kept it under wraps. My father’s read it and he really liked it and that was nice to see somebody enjoy my writing,” Brock said.
“A Dark Discovery” is available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, as well as an ebook.
For more information about Brock, visit his Facebook page at or visit his Twitter profile at